Making Movement More About The Person, Not The Exercise
So I was on Facebook the other day.
And I saw somebody trying to make the argument that this exercise with a Theraband should be retired from anybody’s rehab toolkit.
And their argument was that there’s far better exercises for a rotator cuff injury.
And I’m sure there are, and I’m sure that you could even use this in different planes and do different things in order to help a rotator cuff injury.
But what we have to understand is that it’s not necessarily about the exercise itself.
It’s about the person who’s standing in front of us and we have to make that exercise meaningful to them.
Because maybe their biggest goal is to just be able to put their groceries away pain free, or maybe it’s to pick their child up and if this becomes a meaningful exercise to them that helps build capacity, build resilience and makes it so that they can do those activities we just talked about, then this is just fine as an exercise.
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