Articles Of The Week February 13, 2022
We all have patients that use them, and I’m sure we’ve all recommended them. However, what does the science say about their use? Well…the evidence is mixed.
Is foam rolling effective for muscle pain and flexibility? The science isn’t so sure – Ken Nosaka
It is really important for us to understand how a treatment affects the people we are helping. Equally important is taking into account contextual factors of treatment and the language we use, or the things we say are just as important to understand.
Nocebo Effect Vs. Placebo Effect: Language Can Affect Outcomes – Joe Camoratto
We know how much the brain influences pain and the perception of pain. Turns out some mindfulness work can influence your thoughts to modulate perceptions of pain which utilizes a completely separate brain pathway than the pathway used to send the physical pain signal to your brain.
Neuroscientists Identify How Mindset Alters Pain Perceptions – Christopher Bergland
Change is difficult, REALLY difficult. However, our profession needs change but we are not alone, every manual therapy profession needs change. The best way to cause change in the profession is to look within and be the change we wish to see, this will cause a ripple effect.
Our Toxic Massage Community Can Change When We Work Together – Stephanie Rodriguez
Science is REALLY cool. While it’s still early and only one person so far, it looks like scientists have found a cure for Type I Diabetes that hopefully will change the lives of so many.
First person cured of Type I Diabetes thanks to stem cells – David Zarley
- Podcast Episode #29: Dealing With Burnout - April 11, 2023
- Podcast Episode #28 With Great Educational Power, Comes Great Educational Responsibility - November 8, 2022
- Podcast Episode #27 Myofascial Release And CLB, What Does The Evidence Say? - August 30, 2022