Articles Of The Week December 9, 2018
We know that pain isn’t always caused by tissue damage (although sometimes it is), but what about traumatic experiences? Is there a link between trauma and pain? It turns out that traumatic experiences can alter the way our mind and bodies function, which is outlined with several different conditions within this post.
“Trauma And Adult Pain – What’s The Connection?” – Joe Tatta
It’s the time of year where people start getting colds and are looking for something that will “boost” their immune system. But is this really possible? and what are these products really doing? It’s a long one, but lots of insight in this post.
“Boost Your Immune System?” – Mark Crislip MD
For any of you who have worked the sidelines in sport, this one is important to you. It’s more than just a fanny pack that gets worn on the bench, it’s a full on first aid kit with medications, tape, scissors, and a host of other things necessary to help athletes get through competition.
“More Than A Fanny Pack” – Jason White
We all know the importance of strength training, but some athletes worry how it will affect their performance, rather than realizing how much it helps. This post goes through some specific exercises runners can do, as well as how to properly progress them.
“How Can Strength Training Help Runners?” – Mike James
We have discussed several times on this blog the importance of tissue loading for healing injuries. A randomized control trial showed that unprotected weight-bearing post ankle surgery had better outcomes and returned to sport quicker than those who didn’t. LOAD THOSE TISSUES!
“Ankle Surgery Patients Should “Get Up And Walk” To A More Functional Life After Surgery” – Danielle. M. Torp
- Podcast Episode #29: Dealing With Burnout - April 11, 2023
- Podcast Episode #28 With Great Educational Power, Comes Great Educational Responsibility - November 8, 2022
- Podcast Episode #27 Myofascial Release And CLB, What Does The Evidence Say? - August 30, 2022