Three Therapeutic Exercise Progressions For The Hip
I joined a great gym last year and quite often when we are doing lower body exercises, they take us through a great warm up.
I have to give them credit because I can’t help but think these would be a great therapeutic exercise progression for the hips that we can easily use in our clinical setting.
It doesn’t take much room and all you need is an exercise band (and maybe something to hold for balance) and you can easily take your patients through this.
Here is the first progression you can use.
Here is the second progression, a little bit tougher.
And the third progression, a little bit tougher again.
- Make sure you start with the easiest exercise first.
- Let your patient be part of the decision-making about when to progress and make it harder.
- Start with the least resistance first.
- It doesn’t have to be complicated, just get them started.
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