

Using Your Massage Therapy Skills To Travel In Australia

Has one sentence ever changed your life?

One night, I stumbled across a single woman’s blog on conquering Australia.

She was easy to relate to, her fear and worries were so similar to mine. She calmed my inner fear as her blog resonated with me on a personal level. She was exactly right, “You’re either going to do it or you’re not”.

These little words strung together geared me up and I was moving to the land down under… Australia!


My problem, was I didn’t find any support when I googled BC RMT traveling to Australia.

I knew I wasn’t walking on the moon, someone from Canada had surely already done this. I just couldn’t find them, and I felt alone in my search.

There was too much fear of the unknown! The only option I had was to get as much information as I could to alleviate any negative thoughts about starting my adventure.

There was a place called Magnetic Island and Townsville, Queensland that a friend and I had been conversing about for years. I felt a connection to Magnetic Island even before I even arrived.

My friend and I talked about these places so often that I naturally wanted to see them with my own eyes.

This was my first major overseas experience alone. Thankfully, Australia is a lot like Canada and both countries have a lot of similarities which helped the cultural transition.

The best part, I could chase summer all year round. As I thought about the white sandy beaches and clear turquoise water I knew this was something I really wanted to do.

Prior To Departure

For two years after my board exams, I started taking control of my finances by paying off lingering debt, saving, and also organizing my accounts.

I stopped commission rates at the clinic, paid a set monthly rental and took on my own third party accounts. This gave me control over daily and monthly expenses,  and by having a set rental cost I increased my treatment times without losing a percentage each hour.

I earned approximately $1500.00 more per month in doing this.

I had a vision for change and big goals in mind.

This motivated me to get out of town as fast as I could. With this vision, I sat down and put a plan into place to get all of my ducks in a row and make this happen.

These are some of the things I had to get figured out before I could go to Australia.

  • My Passport.
  • An Australian Working Holiday Visa.
  • Research Massage Therapy regulations.
  • Talk to the one person I knew & find a job.
  • Where to land & start?
  • Accommodations.
  • Banking & Taxes.

Ensure your passport will be valid for the duration of your trip. Get it renewed before you leave if it is going to expire while you’re abroad.

Before entry into Australia you need to have an Australian working holiday Visa.

There are multiple types of Visas and finding the right one can be confusing. Here is a rundown of the different types:

  • Working Visas should not be confused with a Working Holiday Visa. There are two types of Working Holiday Visas: 417 and 462.
  • The Working Holiday Visa is based on your passport. Because I am a resident of Canada I applied for the Working Holiday Visa 417.
  • Working Holiday Visa 462 is for passport holders in countries; Argentina, Bangladesh, Chile, Indonesia, Malaysia, Poland, Portugal, Spain, Thailand, Turkey, USA, Uruguay. Only USA passport holders can apply online for this this visa.

To be eligible for a Working Holiday Visa 417 you:

  • Must be at least 18, but not yet 31 years of age.
  • Do not have a dependent child accompanying you at any time during your stay in Australia.
  • Have a passport from an eligible country.
  • Your partner can accompany you to Australia, but they will need to apply for their own visa.

This Visa allows you to:

  • Stay in Australia for up to 12 months.
  • Work in Australia for up to six months with each employer.
  • Study for up to four months.
  • Leave and re-enter Australia any number of times while the visa is valid.

Approx. Fee : $420.00 AUD

Walk to work in Australia

Massage Therapy In Australia

This PDF file will provide you with the information you need to know about scope of practice, types of massage, education standards, continuing professional development and health fund provider recognition. It is an easy read, but lengthy.

Helpful Translations:

Health FundA benefit plan or extended health plan

Health Fund ProviderA person that is reliable to provide treatment for reimbursement to health fund, this person has “provider status”

RemedialTherapeutic style treatment

RTORegistered Training Organization

RPLRecognition of Prior Learning

There are three nationally recognized Massage Therapy qualifications.

Certificate IV

  • Competent to perform general health maintenance, can be associated with Spa Therapists.

Diploma Remedial

  • Competent to perform treatments involving specific remedial techniques to alleviate common musculoskeletal presentations such as low back pain.

Advanced Diploma Levels

  • Competent to treat complex musculoskeletal presentations with a more extensive range of treatment protocols.

Both Diploma & Advance Diploma:

There are two Massage Therapy Associations, Australian Massage Therapy (AMT) and Australian Association Massage Therapy (AAMT). Both offer classified ads and advertisements for work on their site, so it can also be a good starting point in looking for jobs.

If you’re not sure what your training is like compared to the Massage Therapy training in Australia, there are two schools that I looked at,  Evolve college and NSW School of Massage, they can give you an idea of what Australian tuition and schedules look like.

Tuition range from $7,000 to $11,000 AUS Dollars.

Duration of study is dependent on courses; average 20 weeks – 2 yrs.

Australian Provider Status and Liability Insurance For Massage Therapists

To gain provider status valid for a health fund Australians must have:

  • Certification from RTO.
  • 100 Continuing Education points per year, which roughly equates to around 20 hours or three days per annum.
  • Membership to a professional organization/association such as ATM & AAMT.

Applying for provider status in Australia takes some organizing. This checklist will help you understand what is required, and you can download the word document here to print off if you need it:

? Have your qualification overviewed.

  • This is called Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL). A Registered Training Organization (RTO) does a review of this.

? Provide your transcripts to RTO

  • Include units studied and hours to each unit.

The RTO will compare all the information against the Australian Qualification.

? Provide current resume and include:

? Qualifications

? Work experience

? Letters of endorsement from clients & other professionals to enhance your opportunity.

? Hold Australian First Aid certificate and knowledge of Australia’s Occupational Health & Safety legislation.  

  • Remedial Diploma requires Senior/Level 2 First Aid.
  • HLTFA301B/C – Use this code when searching for the appropriate course information.
  • Check in with your first aid certificate to see if it is internationally recognized. You may have to get your certificate compared to the Australian standards.
  • This is a one or two day course, approx. $110.00-$200.00 AUD.
  • Make sure your First Aid Course is approved by your RTO and is appropriate for the state you chose to live in .

? Set up an interview with the RTO

  • all the evidence you supply must be verifiable.

? Ultimately you will be awarded the current qualification

  • HLT50307 Diploma in Remedial Massage.

There are costs involved and vary from College to College / RTO

There is a list of RTO’s on the AAMT website.

Whether you plan on getting a provider number for Australia or not, you’ll need Liability Insurance. Some companies may provide it, but most require you have it already. This company is commonly used for insurance coverage in Australia, www.aon.com.au.

Finding A Massage Therapy Job In Australia

Before I left Canada I knew one person in Australia.

Luckily my friend on Magnetic Island was neighbours with the owner of Massage on Magnetic. We emailed each other and I had confirmed a Massage Therapy job before I landed in Australia.

I stayed with Massage on Magnetic for five glorious weeks. I had 47 weeks left in Australia and I was on the search for a new job.

Two sites that were helpful in searching for job postings were seek.com.au and gumtree.com.au.

I had not written a resume in over 10 years.  Preparing a couple of resumes before you leave will be helpful, preferably one resume for Massage and one for another skill set if available.

  • Is your email appropriate and professional?
  • Can you get a personalized email? ie: info@yourname.com
  • Use and have an Australian phone number that works.
  • Make electronic copies of your college transcript, RMT diploma, continuing education and first aid, these are excellent additions to your resume.
  • Why should they pick you?
  • What makes you unique and stand out?
  • Get a few testimonials together.
  • Prove your experience don’t just state it.
  • Use a comparison profile. List what they require from you and specifically how you do that. This can be in addition to your resume and should change or be modified to suit each employer’s requirements.

Be persistent in applying for a job and do not get discouraged! If you are not responded to right away do not take it personally.

Businesses in Australia are bombarded by hundreds of emails responding to job postings. A lot of those emails are from struggling backpackers and travelers looking for part time work.

Working In A Spa vs A Clinical Setting.

Spas can be more accommodating if you do not have a provider number for Australia. I found numerous postings available for spa practitioners, especially in tourist areas.

If you desire a clinic setting, it will be valuable to gain provider status. Large cities and multidisciplinary clinics are looking health fund providers.

Either way, pick an area you would like to live and work in (search this area on seek.com.au and see what positions are available) and then create a resume at home that will appeal to an Australian Spa or Clinic Owner/Employer and email it to them.

From seek.com.au I found a rocking job out on the Great Barrier Reef as a Massage Therapist.

Massage Therapy On The Great Barrier Reef

While searching seek.com.au I came across a posting by Calm Experience. This was a massage therapy company that was owned by by Intuitive Massage located in Airlie Beach, Queensland.

In conjunction with Cruise Whitsundays, the local ferry system, Calm Experience is contracted to provide Massage treatments on Reefworld.

Reefworld is a permanently located pontoon that sits adjacent to the coral reef walls of Hardy Reef. This pontoon is accessible by Cruise Whitsundays for day and overnight tours. The pontoon itself is home to the Harmony Hut (where Massages are given), the dive centre, snorkelling equipment, underwater semi-submersible sub and underwater viewing chamber.

It was an excellent tour to see nature at its finest. You could spot turtles, humpback whales during migration, reef sharks, hundreds of fish, dolphins and of course Nemo.

Watching this video will help you to understand the Reefworld Tour.

I was persistent in applying for this position.

It took four emails before I received a reply. I called three times and I didn’t stop until we spoke on the phone.  My persistence paid off as I landed this job during my first telephone conversation.

The whole team would arrive by 7:30am to prepare Seaflight; the guests would arrive on board at 8:00am sharp.

Seaflight is a 37m vessel ideally suited for outer reef cruising, each tour started with a short announcement of activities available at Reefworld. Announcing my Massage Therapy skills to a boat full of international strangers was the last thing I thought I would be doing in Australia, so I was a little nervous at first but eventually it was a stress free routine.

My accent seemed to work in my favour.

I was often the only Canadian and my ‘slow’ accent made it easier for people to hear. My approach was:

  • Practice my script each morning on the walk to work
  • Address the audience with a clear and precise message of the Massages I offered.
  • Review, reflect and re-write as needed.
  • Be the first on the microphone.
  • Described my uniform, all black, I was easily found.
  • Speak in an enthusiastic tone.
  • Leave the audience with a call of action and urgency.

“Book your appointment now. I have a limited amount of time and I do not want you to miss out.”

Aside from this small presentation that took only minutes of my day my duties were to:

  • Prepare seated chair massage with fresh towels & face pieces.
  • Book appointments for my day, after my announcement.
  • Provide seated chair massage on Seaflight, to & from Reefworld.
  • Provide Table treatments at Reefworld, 4 hours available.
  • Record daily sales with payment.
  • Return used linens to main office once back at shore.
  • Help provided memorable experience for guest.
  • Work as a team member.

I was paid on commission which relied on my ability to connect with passengers and close a sale. Marketing myself on Seaflight pushed me out of my comfort zone so far I felt like I was going to fall overboard.

I came from a healthy practice where in house referrals fuelled my success.

This job spoke volumes on how much I relied on others for referrals, so this was my time to learn how to market myself and successfully gain clients.

My daily sales ranged from $200-470.00 AUD, minus commission. Averaging $800-1000/week. I made more money in Canada but I was travelling, not making my fortunes; I was just fortunate enough to be there.

I earned a good living, built community support around me, saved money and moved onward to travel the East Coast for nearly three months without working.

This was success for me.

Alicia at the Reef

Reflections Of My Massage Therapy Jobs In Australia

I honestly didn’t need a provider number for the two places I worked at.

I chose to live in tourism based places where having a provider number did not separate me from another, my resume and education stood for itself.

If you choose to not have a provider number, get your insurance and start applying to spas and vacation destination places. You might get paid a little less, but the scenery will most likely make up for it.

If you want a provider number for a health fund it shouldn’t be too difficult, especially now that you are informed.

This would be an excellent advantage if you chose to live in a larger city. If you were planning on staying for a long period of time in cities such as Melbourne, Sydney, Gold Coast, Sunshine Coast and Brisbane you would have a greater chance of finding work with a provider number.

Be mindful when applying for jobs as a Massage Therapist in larger cities, be aware of job postings with bad verbiage, late working hours and low fees. This is not to scare you off, only to inform you.

I went to a job interview in Melbourne that never mentioned it was above a pawnshop (not that there is anything wrong with that, BUT… let’s just say they were surprised I had a resume) the girl working there got her techniques off YouTube and if I was honest, I’m pretty sure it was for prostitution.

I thought, what was I doing?

I knew it was wrong and I left.

I had a little cry with a great friend who helped me overcome the situation and it was onward and upward from there.

I eventually had a really beautiful time in Melbourne, not to mention all the lovely friends I met, but also I worked for a family that owned a small children’s toy shop called, Saraghi.

This was where my other resume came into play.

My child care and reception skills made me the perfect candidate to help people purchase gifts for baby showers and birthday presents, it was cute, fun and I drank a lot of coffee.

Just to touch back on the Massage Therapy side of my life, I resisted the idea of a working at a spa in the beginning, I was a clinic-based practitioner. My patients were recovering from motor vehicle accidents, work related injuries and serious limitation issues. I resisted the idea of a spa and in the end working at them helped me find more love for massage. I was uplifted because people were on holidays and they were happy. Their energy transferred on to me, so I was happy too. There you have it… all the information you need to start your journey as a Massage Therapist in Australia. I am going to say to you now…there are no excuses and “you’re either going to do it or you’re not”. All the best, I believe you can achieve your dream and I am here when you need me. If you would like more information and useful links, click here. Now that you have decided you are going, Yippee!

Corrective Exercises For Scapular Winging That Every Massage Therapist Should Know

The frustration was getting to her.

Connie is a dedicated gym-goer with a 6-day/week workout routine.

She’s a personal trainer and yoga instructor, follows her own regiment religiously, never misses a day, and embodies the image that many women would kill for.

Connie’s struggle of late has been difficulty in getting better at wide-grip pull-ups.

She added assisted pull-ups to her weekly back and bicep workout, trying to see improvement.

The result:

FAIL! After four months, she was still stuck maxing out at four pull-ups, assisted! This raises a flag, we can assume she has a thorough understanding of muscular training adaptation to be able to structure her workouts and see the desired result.

This tells us there’s a glaring discrepancy somewhere in her body mechanics preventing her from achieving her goal which needs to be addressed, much like we’ll almost always see when treating clients for musculoskeletal injuries.

After hearing her complaints about the lack of progress being made, I took notice of her shoulder blades. If you saw them at the time, you would have seen her scapulae winging out during any shoulder retraction, cueing us to some kind of bio-mechanical error that needed to be addressed.

Shoulder Mechanics And Massage Therapy

With a working knowledge of anatomy and physiology, we know that the scapular muscles (most significantly the serratus anterior, but consisting of several other muscles of the shoulder girdle) are meant to stabilize the scapulothoracic joint.

These muscles should be active in maintaining the position of the scapula against the rib cage during posture and to control its movement during ranges of motion at the shoulder.

When those muscles get weak, we see this winging, causing a change in the total angle of the shoulder girdle and improper recruitment of larger muscles which are now attempting to compensate for the lack of stability.

If that sounds complicated, just know that if scapular muscles get weak, big shoulder muscles get overworked, shoulder strength and health deteriorate.

I see this problem arise quite often in individuals who follow traditional weight-lifting programs, whether it’s team-sport athletes, body-builders, or average-Joe’s. What’s happening is that the nature of your traditional weight-lifting routine (isolated exercises, weight-machines, supported shoulders against benches) remove the use of the small, stabilizing muscles from the equation.

High end body-builders who receive proper training subvert part of this problem by properly adding isolation of those smaller muscles into their routines, effectively strengthening the scapular stabilizers and preventing the winging of the shoulder blade that would ruin the aesthetic appearance they need.

However, these individuals are still prone to chronic shoulder injuries such as rotator cuff tendinopathies and biceps tendon impingement.

Why is that?

It’s because the strength of those muscles may be well-trained, but the stability is still lacking. (Note: This is a tendency, not a rule. Don’t hate.)

We see errors quite often in the clinical setting when it comes to retraining muscular stability.

In much the same way traditional weight lifters will train themselves, a therapist can easily get caught up in prescribing basic isolation exercises in either excessive amount or for too much time.

True, if there is severe weakness and inactivation of a particular muscle, then of course it needs to be targeted specifically at the start of a rehab plan. But as we progress an individual to the more advance stages of returning to function, synergistic muscular training is key.

We can’t expect proper shoulder mechanics (which requires stability provided from multiple smaller muscles working together) to arise from training each muscle separately and isolated through range of motion.

Exercise Recommendations To Use With Your Massage Therapy Patients

After realizing the large discrepancy in shoulder stability, I gave Connie two very simple exercises to do.

The first one was a scapular push. This one is hard to explain in written words, so take a look at the video below. This exercise was to be done daily for two sets of 10 reps per side.

The second exercise, the T-curl is an isolation one (as I mentioned is still often important as a supplement) for serratus anterior, one of the major stabilizers. This one was prescribed for 2-3 sets of 10 reps on Connie’s “pull” day at the gym.

Keeping the upper arm parallel to the floor and the entire limb in the frontal place, the cable is curled in with the palm flipping between every rep.

Connie did these two exercises, as instructed, for 8 weeks, without modification.

After four months, pre-intervention, of Connie barely being able to muster out four assisted pull-ups, she is now pushing towards ten reps, unassisted.

The results speak for themselves.

Big lats and biceps are only part of the equation; you need to take care of the small stuff as well. It’s important to not neglect the prime movers, but when attempting to retrain healthy movement, the foundational support needs to be considered first when prescribing exercise.

Exercise rehab like this is clearly vital in the clinical setting. However in Connie’s case, her condition was not yet pathological and causing pain. In the case of clinical clients, we’ll need a bit more intervention on the therapist’s side.

With individuals who have such severe scapular weakness, you’ll also typically find significant spasm and adhesion in those same muscles due to the body attempting to create stability any way it can. It’s also important to look at the antagonistic muscles to what we’re focusing on; in this example that would mean taking some time to work through the pectoralis muscles that, combined with the weak upper back, will likely contribute to a rounder shoulder and t-spine posture. Connie is going to continue her training using these interventions, possibly with some further modification, and I can confidently predict that her progress will not plateau any time soon. Luckily, we were able to target her weaknesses before they became pathological issues, but this won’t always be the case. However, whether or not your treatments in the clinic start with basic exercises or even Massage treatments alone to begin with, the progression that I did with Connie is an excellent example of late-stage rehab that we can use to get our clients above and beyond their pre-injury state.

Massage Therapy And High Ankle Sprains

The story was told to me a couple of months after this happened.

An unlicensed person who was loosely affiliated with the team went through the back door of the dressing room when he saw a player was injured.

The AT had taken him off the ice, helped him into the room and went to get the team doctor.

When the doctor walked in, he immediately threw his hands up in the air and said he would have no part of this.

This unlicensed person was vigorously massaging an acute high ankle sprain.

I was a student at the time and the rest of the medical staff were trying to impress upon me why they always tried to keep the care of all the players in house.

Although it wasn’t the point of the story all I could think was: “what the hell is a high ankle sprain?”

Massage Assessment And Grading Of A Syndesmosis Sprain

I remember through college talking  and learning all about ankle sprains.

The difference between an inversion and an eversion sprain, how the deltoid ligament is so strong it usually prevents an eversion injury, that the anterior tibiofibular ligament is the most commonly injured, since it happens with inversion injuries.

I don’t remember ever learning about a “high ankle sprain” (which is partially why I was so bewildered the first time I heard the name).

A “high ankle sprain” is an injury to the distal tibiofibular syndesmosis. The injury is caused by the foot being dorsiflexed and externally rotated which widens the ankle joint, stressing the syndesmosis.

Initially it can be hard to determine the difference between a typical sprain or a high ankle sprain, but mechanism of injury can be one thing to help differentiate. There are four other tests that help prove the difference:

  1. Passively moving the ankle into dorsiflexion.
  2. Pressing the tibia and fibula together while asking about pain level (squeeze test).
  3. Palpating the syndesmosis ligament.
  4. Externally rotating the ankle while stabilizing the leg (external rotation test).

Acutely this can be managed like any other ankle sprain depending on degree of injury.

The injury is graded from I-III according to it’s severity.

  1. There is injury to the anterior deltoid ligament and palpation of ATFL is quite tender.
  2. Causes disruption to the other deltoid ligaments and tearing of the syndesmosis.
  3. Complete disruption of medial ankle ligaments, possible fracture to the fibula and separation of the syndesmosis. In this case the mechanism of injury is a possible hint to the extent of the injury, since the external rotation and abduction will be pretty severe.

Fortunately in the acute stages, management of this injury should be pretty straightforward if you’re working the sidelines at a sporting event.

As with any acute injury we want to take the swelling down at the start, so implementing a R.I.C.E protocol will be necessary. Then we need to figure out how severe the injury is. Using the testing noted above will help, but a much easier way is to just check out the stability of the joint. If the joint seems unstable at all, then the injury is a Grade II or III. Another sign is that pain will be felt through the lower half to one-third of the leg  (thus the term high ankle sprain).

If your patient is experiencing any of this, you need to immobilize the ankle with proper splinting and remove any weight bearing on the ankle by assisting with crutches.

Then refer them to more advanced medical care.


Photo by: soccerkrys


Massage And Rehab Guides For High Ankle Sprain

It’s tough to find any research (at least it was for me) indicating the best approach as far as Massage Therapy to treat a high ankle sprain.

Most of what I could find deals with the exercise end of things as opposed to the actual treatment of the ankle. Starting the person on progressive resisted exercise and then challenges on balance and sport specific drills is the most common forms of treatment.

I can remember having one of the players on our team years ago having to deal with a high ankle sprain. One of the exercises the AT would do is hold up a hockey stick between him and the player, they would both hold the stick and the AT would essentially wrestle against the player pushing him back and forth in order to draw his attention away from the ankle, but still have him moving and strengthening it in the process.

Unfortunately it can take up to 12 weeks to completely heal depending on the degree of injury. And will obviously be different if surgery is involved. There is debate over whether a grade II should be a surgical repair, but without surgery it can be difficult for an athlete to return to play.

Because the injury involves a widening of the ankle joint between the fibula and tibia, keeping inflammation down will be important in order to allow the joint to return to proper function again. Depending on the degree of separation and wether the ankle had to be splinted for any length of time will also shape your treatment.

If the leg has been splinted, watch for any muscle wasting compared to the opposite leg and start strengthening once swelling has come down.

Working in some passive and active range of motion will help to keep the joint moving. Because pain is felt further up the leg, working the muscles through the entire area will help in the recovery process. Treating gastrocs/soleus and tibant will help with ankle mobility, but you may have to work further up the leg into the quads, hamstrings and glutes because of the change in gait due to the injury. Be patient with the treatment because it’s a long healing process, especially once activity or return to sport happens. Sometimes athletes can start activity again in six weeks, but can have symptoms for six months. Above all, whether its acute or subacute your assessment is going to tell you what you need to do. Make sure to touch base with their doctor or surgeon in the cases of grade II & III injuries and get a little guidance from them if necessary. And for god’s sakes, please don’t vigorously Massage any acute injuries!

Removing Pec Minor Discomfort From Massage Treatments


He winced when I first started trying to dig in to the area.

Palpating along the ribs, I found it.

Getting him to activate the muscle I felt it pop up under my fingers.

Okay, this is going to be a bit uncomfortable.

Treating Pec Minor is always a bit of a daunting task, especially when the patient is hesitant to have it done.

And with good reason, its usually pretty uncomfortable and can be painful.

However, as a therapist that preaches modern manual therapy, there is a less painful way.

Pain Free Massage Therapy Techniques

Yes… absolutely like most manual therapists, I have caused a fair share of pain and discomfort at my hands in the name of tissue deformation.

I have not believed in that for about 3 years now.

Here is my updated Pec Minor Release.

Patient: Supine

Massage Therapist: standing on the involved shoulder side

Test-retest: posteriorly tip the scapula to assess for loss of shoulder internal rotation, make sure you push the scapula into a set position as the involved side is often anteriorly tipped.


  • lightly place your fist or a ball into the pec major under the coracoid
    • no you don’t need to go underneath it or anything ridiculously painful
  • have the patient move actively into elevation until extra tension or discomfort is felt, then have them resist into elevation to activate the scapular stabilizers
  • this will reciprocally inhibit the pec minor and they (or you) should be able to elevate the shoulder into the next barrier
  • continue until the shoulder is at full elevation if possible
  • re-test shoulder internal rotation, if they are a rapid responder, this should change after 4-5 reps

If done correctly, this should not hurt at all, unlike most other passive or movement based “releases”

Give the repeated shoulder extension reset for home care exercises

With modern manual therapy, we don’t need to cause pain and discomfort to get positive results. Make sure when you’re treating pec minor that you test and retest before and after the treatment to see the difference you have made in the patients internal rotation, not just for yourself but also to prove to them the difference the treatment has made. After 4-5 reps in the treatment you should be able to tell the difference you’ve made, the difference is that you’ll do it pain free.