Articles Of The Week December 2, 2018
This is a great post, not just because it discusses low back pain, but rather because it discusses change. Change is important for us practitioners, in fact (as the article points out) it is required of us. When new research or data shows there is a better approach to what we are doing, we are required to change. The beauty part of this article is that the researcher is actually having to adapt and change their own research and adapt for better outcomes in patients.
“Explaining Pain For Acute Back Pain – Reflections On Traeger et al. Part 2” – Lorimer Moseley
It has been proven that the language we use with our patients can have a lasting impact. This makes it our responsibility to stay on top of current information so we can convey proper information to those patients. Here we learn about the role our intervertebral discs play and the reality around pain and the “slipped disc” we’ve heard so many patients worry about.
“Discs Don’t Slip DAMMIT!” – Jarod Hall
In response to an article published by an insurance company this past week (which essentially denounced massage therapy and compared it to a good nap), Richard compiled this list of systematic reviews proving the value of what we do.
“A List Of Systematic Reviews Of Massage Therapy” – Richard Lebert
This one isn’t an article, but rather a video. In it, Rob discusses the intimidation massage therapists seem to experience with assessments and a simple way to address it.
“Assessments And Pain Science” – Rob Haddow
There always seems to be debate around applying new research and what “we’ve seen work” when it comes to treating our patients. The reality is, both have a place in what we do, and both should be used. Here’s some advice on how to apply both along with a few extra tips in using science to get results.
“Four Ways To Use Science To Get The Best Results For Your Clients” – Alex McBrairty