Articles Of The Week October 4, 2020
Unhealthy perfectionism can exist in ourselves as practitioners as well as clients who we are trying to guide through behavioural change. Often, these unrealistic expectations can derail progress. This article looks at models of perfectionism and provides some tools to help us modify our goals for success.
The ‘Fine Line’ in Perfectionism – Christina Pozerskis
What is blood flow restriction? Is it snake oil or does it have real benefits? Do we understand the contraindications? Now we can.
Blood flow restriction training in a nutshell – Arash Rex Maghsoodi
In our clinical community, it’s common for us to fall down the rabbit hole of believing that we need to create very complex explanations and solutions to clients’ pain. Why do we gravitate to these biases instead of the simple approaches?
Why do you hate simplicity? – Adam Meakins
At this point, we know that central sensitization has a seemingly endless list of factors that can contribute to it. This article looks at nutritional habits that may play a much larger role than previously thought in our chronic pain.
Do nutritional factors play a role in central sensitization and chronic pain? – Integrative Pain Science Institute
Our patients often complain of back pain that spikes in the morning. Here’s a rundown with some differential diagnoses as well as morning pain myths that can help you assess clients in your practice.
6 Main Causes of Morning Back Pain – Paul Ingraham
- Articles of the Week February 21, 2021 - February 20, 2021
- Articles of the Week – February 14, 2021 - February 13, 2021
- Articles of the Week – January 31, 2021 - January 29, 2021