Articles of the Week October 18, 2020
There are a lot of really great “go-to’s” in the exercise world. However, some of them become so staple that proper execution becomes a problem. This article consults with multiple experts on how to correct them.
4 Exercises Most People Butcher (And How To Fix Them) – Shane Mclean
We coach our clients in injury prevention every day. Likely, none of these points will really be new, but this article summarizes ten great key takeaways for when we want to prevent pain when training. This is great for problem-solving with your clients or to provide them the entire article altogether!
10 Commandments of Injury Prevention – Dr. John Rusin
If you’re here, you love reading research and expanding your toolkit. However, there are some research biases that we need to be aware of in ourselves in order to make sure that we’re not unfairly filtering the wrong information in or out. (Enjoy this two-for-one!)
Top 5 Fridays! 5 Types of Fallacies Part 1 and Part 2 – Cameron Faller
Back in June, Greg Lehman wrote about his experiences with pain science regarding his own health. We know these concepts already, but it’s extremely handy to see new examples of them at work.
Pain lessons from my terrifying persistent stomach distress – Greg Lehman
Finally, one more older study on a topic that isn’t discussed very often. Researchers, a few years ago, looked into the sensation of “throbbing” pain that is typically related by professionals to circulatory flow. However, it’s shown that this link may not actually exist and that more research into the central nervous system is the key, instead.
Is There a Relationship between Throbbing Pain and Arterial Pulsations? – Mirza et al.
- Articles of the Week February 21, 2021 - February 20, 2021
- Articles of the Week – February 14, 2021 - February 13, 2021
- Articles of the Week – January 31, 2021 - January 29, 2021