Articles Of The Week October 10, 2021
We are big proponents of implementing research into your practice, but sometimes it can be hard to tell what is good and bad research. A systematic review is generally considered one of the better kinds of research papers to look at, but there can still be flaws with them too. This article helps us understand this a little better.
What is the difference between a systematic review and a meta-analysis? – Jennifer Hanratty
Learning is different for everyone. If you’re teaching in a massage college, or a continuing education course you’ve probably seen how students learn in a variety of ways. Perhaps the exams that go with courses should be changed to a ‘learning opportunity’ to focus on actual learning instead of memorizing?
Why I Went from Proctored Exams to Open-book – Debbie Fetter
Relationships are an important part of being a Massage Therapist. As we know therapeutic relationships are a crucial part of the interaction we have with our patients, but how much attention do we pay to our business relationships?
Why MTs Succeed: Massage Business Relationships – Mark Liskey
Some of the good research that has been done on massage is how it helps improve sleep and mood. So we know there is a potential to help those dealing with depression but we also have to ask is the lack of sleep potentially causing depression or vice-versa? This article can help us understand this a little better and has some great things we could share with our patients.
Does Depression Make You Tired And How? – Meredith Flanagan
I think many of us suffer from burnout from time to time (I know I certainly have!). While this article is directed at trainers, many of the same things still apply to us Massage Therapists. Here are 5 signs you might be experiencing burnout and if you are, please talk to someone about it because YOUR mental health is crucially important.
5 Signs You’re a Trainer Approaching Burnout – Chris Cooper
- Podcast Episode #29: Dealing With Burnout - April 11, 2023
- Podcast Episode #28 With Great Educational Power, Comes Great Educational Responsibility - November 8, 2022
- Podcast Episode #27 Myofascial Release And CLB, What Does The Evidence Say? - August 30, 2022