Articles Of The Week May 31, 2020
We did an article on this topic a couple weeks ago, so it’s great to see the awareness being raised around this topic. There is little correlation to “weak glutes” being the reason for a person’s low back pain, so let’s build resilience with people rather than preaching false narratives.
“Gluteal Amnesia: Real, Relevant or Ridiculous?” – Eric Purves
For those of you who treat kids on a regular basis, I’m sure you’ve seen the importance of having the parents appropriately on board with treatments. However, sometimes they may be sending the wrong message, which can make for a difficult conversation. So, here are some tips on how to manage those conversations.
“Sometimes Parents Are The Problem” – Nick Hannah
This could be one of the most beneficial videos you could share with your patients regarding back pain (especially if they’re considering surgery). I’m hoping this will change a lot of minds having people choose rehab over surgery.
“Could The Billions Of Dollars Spent To Fix Back Pain Be Doing More Harm Than Good?” – Leigh Sales
Love this pain analogy and it’s another one you should DEFINITELY share with your patients. Sometimes we experience pain when our “cup” gets too full, or we can’t get a bigger “cup”. The things happening around this can influence the amount of pain we feel and in turn change how we are managing things in life. So maybe we either need a bigger cup, or decrease what’s in the cup.
“What? Pain Is Complex – The Overflowing Cup Analogy Of Pain.” – Greg Lehman
This is a really important topic for both patient and therapist. Everyone involved in this podcast is doing great work to benefit both patients and therapists, so this is WELL worth the listen.
“Self-Efficacy For Patients And Clinicians” – Dave Moen & The Knowledge Exchange
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