Articles Of The Week May 20, 2018
We’ve highlighted many times how important research is to our profession, and how we need more of it. Well, here are eight medical professionals who specialize in massage research and what they’re focusing on.
“8 Medical Experts Who Specialize In Massage Therapy Research” – Joe Neely
There have been lots of discussions this week on social media about massage therapy and pregnancy (it’s totally fine to use massage therapy during pregnancy). I’ve also heard in the past that some women use acupuncture to not only induce birth but also assist with becoming pregnant. Well, this study shows otherwise.
“Acupuncture Will Not Increase Your Chances Of Pregnancy on IVF, Study Shows” – Caroline Smith & Robert Norman
Many feel threatened by some of the new information coming out in regards to pain science and deem it as a ‘shiny new tool’ and a threat to practice. But this article shows how we need to put our clinical ego aside and embrace this new information.
“Pain Science, An Optional Tool?” – Mark Kargela
Is an interdisciplinary approach necessary for helping patients with chronic pain? Well, there are various factors that can both increase and decrease the success of this approach, and the ultimate goal should be patient improvements.
“Teamwork: Gaps Or Overlaps?” – Bronnie Thompson
Love that this article is coming from an Orthopedic Surgeon. Just because your patients MRI findings showed tears or wear, it doesn’t mean there is actually anything wrong with it, this could be completely normal.
“Shoulder MRI Findings In People With No Shoulder Pain: Are Some Tears ‘Normal'” – Howard J. Lukus
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