Articles Of The Week March 15, 2020
The Covid-19 virus is filling all of our news feeds right now and I’m sure we’ve all had a few cancellations in our clinic because of it. One good thing we can do is actually demonstrate to our patients what we are doing to keep things clean, this article gives some great advice on how to do that.
“Massage Therapy—Demonstrating How You Are A Safe Space For Your Clients” – ABMP
I’m sure we’ve all been hearing some new terms in the past couple of weeks with this coronavirus outbreak. A new one for me is: “Social Distancing,” which is explained in this article along with the reasons why we should do it.
“Social Distancing: What It Is And Why It’s The Best Tool We Have To Fight The Coronavirus” – Thomas Perls
Sleep deprivation can cause a whole host of issues for a person, but this is amplified when someone is dealing with a concussion. New research is showing how blue light can actually help those with a concussion get better sleep.
“Light Improve Your Sleep Following Concussion?” – Complete Concussion Management
Leadership is not something that comes easy, but we could use more leaders in our profession, not only for the benefit to other practitioners but also to benefit our patients. This post outlines seven attributes of good leadership that we all could learn from.
“Leadership Matters” – Jason Giesbrecht
Athletes commonly use cortisone injections in their knee to mask pain, but research is starting to show this may actually cause more harm than good.
“Cortisone Injections For Hip And Knee Pain Are More Dangerous Than Was Thought” – Laura Donnelly
- Podcast Episode #29: Dealing With Burnout - April 11, 2023
- Podcast Episode #28 With Great Educational Power, Comes Great Educational Responsibility - November 8, 2022
- Podcast Episode #27 Myofascial Release And CLB, What Does The Evidence Say? - August 30, 2022