Articles Of The Week July 4, 2021
We frequently talk about the importance of changing basic education in our profession. However, we’re not alone. This article demonstrates that even doctors may need an overhaul of their profession as well. At least it’s good to know we’re not alone.
How well do doctors understand probability? – Sebastian Rushworth
Super interesting article to look at how focusing or paying attention to one thing could make us miss another thing. Makes me think of using things like the “pain scale” with patients, if we’re too focused on their pain and not focusing on some other helpful things in their life, are we missing something?
Sometimes, paying attention means we see the world less clearly – Henry Taylor
Trauma can be a result of many things and of course trauma can also cause many things including a persons pain experience. So, how can we work and help people as a “trauma informed” therapist? Read on and see.
Trauma Informed Massage Therapy – Jenn Sharman
I really like to get my bias confirmed because it makes me feel like I’m right…but am I? Sometimes yes, most times probably no, but at least there’s a name for it. Motivated Reasoning.
Why you think you’re right — even if you’re wrong – Julia Galef
Trigger point therapy is a hotly debated topic in manual therapy. Here’s an updated discussion on what this actually is and how it can be applied in our clinical setting.
What Is Trigger Point Therapy? – Nick Ng & Tania Velásquez
- Podcast Episode #29: Dealing With Burnout - April 11, 2023
- Podcast Episode #28 With Great Educational Power, Comes Great Educational Responsibility - November 8, 2022
- Podcast Episode #27 Myofascial Release And CLB, What Does The Evidence Say? - August 30, 2022