Articles Of The Week July 12, 2020
During a time when gyms, yoga studios…and well, everything else was closed. Many people took to running for their exercise regime. With that, quite often comes new kinds of injuries people have never dealt with before. Fortunately, our friend Laura Dunkley has and sheds some advice on this.
“Running In The Time Of The Coronavirus: Reducing Fear, Tolerating Uncertainty & Promoting Resilience” – Laura Dunkley
This is a phenomenal resource you can download to both use for yourself, but also to educate our patients on pain management.
“Pain Management Guidebook” – The Honest Physio
Most of us aren’t psychologists and yet we look at the biopsychosocial aspects of pain. Sometimes this can leave us wondering how to understand the psychological aspects of this, and how we can help our patients. Well, here’s a great chat from two people who are great at this and hoping to show us what we can do.
“Bronnie & Laura Chat: Compassionate Care, Not Just Clever Care” – Laura Rathbone & Bronnie Lennox Thompson
We all know how important mental health and well being is, some would even say it’s a super power. Here’s six steps you can use to improve your mental health with psychological flexibility.
“Psychological Flexibility: The Superpower of Mental Health and Wellbeing” – The Weekend University
We all know how big a fan I am of Walt Fritz, so I had to include this. In this podcast he talks about the importance of critical thinking and changing our narratives in manual therapy.
“BPS Aspects Of Manual Therapy” – Walt Fritz & Daniel Pablo Arbilla
- Podcast Episode #29: Dealing With Burnout - April 11, 2023
- Podcast Episode #28 With Great Educational Power, Comes Great Educational Responsibility - November 8, 2022
- Podcast Episode #27 Myofascial Release And CLB, What Does The Evidence Say? - August 30, 2022