Articles Of The Week April 5, 2020
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we’re going to try and keep things as positive as possible around here. So let’s look at some good things we can do while we’re sheltered at home.
Here’s some great advice on how to keep the kid’s active while at home. While some of it may not be allowed in your area (I know here playgrounds are shut down), there are still some great suggestions on how to keep the little ones active.
“Keeping Children Active during the Coronavirus Pandemic” – Exercise Is Medicine
Have you considered using this downtime to make some changes around the office? Did you know that just simply changing some of the things in your waiting room could influence a patient’s pain experience? Check this video out to see why.
“Pain Pearls, Office Environment” – Richard Mcilmoyle
Some of you may be chatting with patients while we’re dealing with this epidemic. Here’s some great practical advice on how to make those conversations a little better.
“10 Practical Tips To Make Your Online Consults Better” – Ben Cormack
This is a pretty cool little giveaway if you’re looking to get some exercise at home. After you sign up you’ll be emailed a spreadsheet and the author has a little tutorial on the website of how to use the spreadsheet (you may be like me and have to google some of the exercises). But, this is a great way to get some exercise at home with whatever equipment you have available.
“Home Workout Builder” – Mladen Jovanovich
So, many of us are probably getting bored with being isolated at home. But here’s a list of 30 different things you could do right from the comfort of your own home to stave off that boredom!
“30 Ideas To Entertain Yourself During Social Distancing” – Brain Injury Canada
- Podcast Episode #29: Dealing With Burnout - April 11, 2023
- Podcast Episode #28 With Great Educational Power, Comes Great Educational Responsibility - November 8, 2022
- Podcast Episode #27 Myofascial Release And CLB, What Does The Evidence Say? - August 30, 2022